
Sunday, September 18, 2011

 This amazing hallway is the 4th floor of the Seattle Library where the meeting rooms are. It is all curves and shiny red - very weird to walk around! 
We met up for a mini-photo-crawl in Seattle - the leader of our Yahoo group, Catherine Anderson, at left, was visiting from North Carolina, so a few of us were able to meet with her and spend a few hours together. It was very windy in front of the Library!!
But quite nice inside, with lots to see! The grid-work reflected in the photo above is the roof of the building, and you can see other buildings through the glass. Catherine and Lynne were in front of the elevators. Alina, in yellow, had to leave earlier.
 There was some interesting artwork, too - this sculpture-wall was set about two feet from a wall covered in sheets of stainless steel, which reflected the art. You can see me with the camera set on one of the ledges, holding my hand in front of stained glass. From my side, the glass was dark, but the reflection showed the rooms's light shining through the glass, and the shadow of my hand. 
Outside on the sidewalk was more art: these manhole covers are by the Seattle Water district.

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