
Saturday, July 16, 2011

This is the seedhead of a Cow Parsnip plant in the ditch. They can get over 8' tall - this one was about 5'. The flowers were white, but the seeds are a gorgeous purple color, and dry to a pale brown. It turns out these are not poisonous, but are easily confused with Water Hemlock, which is the most poisonous plant in the US. The leaves are quite different, so I  was glad to find out  this isn't poisonous, although contact with the plant will cause a poison-ivy type rash. I was very careful not to touch it!

It had poured all night and into the morning - actually, it rained off and on most of the day. Later, though, it cleared a little, then we had a shower and a rainbow! I don't think it can be seen in the photo, but there was a double at one point.  

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