
Sunday, July 10, 2011

 The local members of our Photo Art Journal group met up for a photo crawl - where else but the International District!! It was a fun co-incidence that both of my groups chose the same location, but it worked out well, allowing me to become familiar with the area. Above, a foo dog guards one of the gardens in the community garden area of Kobe Park.
 Also in the park, another view of the large stone lantern.
 It also happened to be Dragon Days, and there was a street fair, and exhibits of oriental arts. This girl was doing a dance with a samurai sword.
 Many golden Buddhas laugh uproariously.
Brightly painted store fronts in Canton Alley.
I know this is a blurry mess of a photo, but I wanted to show our "After Crawl". We convened at the Panama Hotel for lunch and some journaling. It was great - we had a huge table, good food, and loads of fodder for the blank journals that Gwen made for each of us. From left: Jan, Gwen behind her, Paula, sitting, and Lynne and Dawn standing.
This friendly kitty was inside a window display, but she really wanted to be petted - she kept rubbing up against the window when we put our hands out. We certainly had a wonderful time!!


  1. Louie, the photo crawl was lots of fun and I enjoyed meeting you. Your photos of this weekend and last really capture the essence of the International District

  2. Hi Louie!
    It was a blast meeting you and enjoying the International District with you and the other photo crawlers. I L-O-V-E your cover !!
    Looking forward to our collaborative books and our next adventure together :)

