
Sunday, June 5, 2011

THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011
We had lunch with nurses that Mom and Kathy used to work with, at Samira, in Cuyahoga Falls, right on the river. The building was an old power plant, empty for many years, and lately remodeled into a restaurant. Mom had the crab cakes, artfully served.
Afterwards, we went to Peninsula to see how high the river was.
 It was roiling right along - you can't even tell there is a dam under this section of water! 
 Also stopped to see the heron babies in the rookery. The nests are quite amazing, especially since there are so many of them!
 Then the big, black cloud loomed threateningly over us, so we headed for home. Got caught in a downpour, but it was over by the time we got home.

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