
Monday, June 27, 2011

 OK - bet you can't guess what this is! It's a wingprint from that crazy robin who has been battering herself against my windows. As you can see, I don't wash them often, and when the sun reached a certain angle, it showed up all of these wingprints. And there are a lot of them! She has seemed to have stopped - maybe she's got a nest and youngsters and all that, and is too busy for this nonsense.
And at my back door, I got robbed!! This pot of strawberries was so full you couldn't see the pot itself, just yesterday. It also had several berries in various stages of red ripeness. And today I woke up to this! I was aghast! And angry. Those deer had to have been standing right next to the house for quite a while . . . we need a dog!!

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