
Friday, May 13, 2011

Sorry for the delay - this time it wasn't me!! Blogger had some issues, and was shut down for a couple of days.

 I've been working with the willow bark I harvested last summer, and wanted to experiment with the bee's wax. Soooo, the photo on the left is the basket before, and on the right is after I painted the bee's wax on. It darkened the bark, and it can be polished - I did a little, so it has a gloss. Surprisingly, it also firmed up the basket - it was a little bit flexible, and now it is hard and solid feeling. Now I'm torn - I like the look of the gray bark when it's dried, but I also like the richer tones the wax gives it, and the solidity as well. So, I guess more experiments are in order.
As an ending note, Apollo chooses the oddest places to take a nap!

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