
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Intention Word
May 2011

Here is our latest project with the Photo Art Journal Yahoo group hosted by Catherine Anderson. Catherine has posted the covers for the Intention Word book on her blog: Listening for the Whispering.  Click to check it out, where she'll also have links to other participants' blogs. 

My intention word is "focus" - I wanted to remind people to slow down and focus on the small details of their lives, breathe, relax - which for me is getting out into the woods. And moss - I love moss!
Above is the front, and below is the back. The photos are glued together, then Catherine binds them into the books.


  1. Louie - I love your blog; will peruse it when I get to a computer. Really like your rendition of "focus" because I enjoy the outdoors also. The branches are great. Evokes the feel that you intended. Next time...

  2. I love your photograph, Louie! It is sort of "cheating" to look at people's photos before the book comes, but I can't resist!

  3. Thanks, both of you! Don't worry about "cheating" - Catherine started this!!

  4. Karen Dorcas11:54 PM

    Something very funny happened when I posted the first comment. "Dareena" is my granddaughter! Don't know how the message happened to come across. But, will try again. Smiles from Alaska -- true, really do look forward to "the book," too. Karen

  5. Karen Dorcas11:56 PM

    LOL -- I sure have trouble posting. Anyway, don't know how "Dareena, my granddaughter" ended up with her name on my original post! But, all comments are true and mine. Am so looking forward to seeing this "book" -- this just gives up a "taste" -- the original is always better! LOL -- Hugs from Alaska.
