
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day Two of the Arlene Fisch workshop. Everyone is bright-eyed and ready to go again. Above, Arlene demonstrates her technique to weave with twisted wire and flat metal warps.
This shows the first sample, where we crimped the warps down around the twisted wire weft. In the photo at top, you can see the effect looks like tubing.
Next sample, same technique, round warp. The thing on the right started like the disc on the left, and below them is the twisted wire. After the weaving is done, the ends of the warp are rolled up around the last weaver. The center was cut out and folded in the same way.
Everyone hard at work. The classroom at N. Seattle Community College was great!
 After lunch, braiding. Above is the flat braid on the right, and the zig-zag on the left. Since these are only samples, the endings were a bit abrupt. It's possible to add longer weavers and continue, then they can be manipulated: pleated, folded, curved, etc.
 If you go the other way with the zig-zag, you can create a square, or keep going and make a square spiral, or branch off in other ways! The theme of the whole workshop was to show us the techniques, and let us go from there to create whatever! It was inspiring, and we really liked Arlene's teaching methods, and the very disperse group of artists all left with heads overflowing!
 Kind of like this amazing rhododendron - I just had to show another shot. It was right outside our windows, and utterly fantastic!

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