
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Just in case you think I have been whining too much about the weather, I have to quote from the Seattle Times newspaper:


Freezing temperatures, snow flurries - now this was an April you probably want to forget. The chilly 30-day span culminated with a surprise - the Seattle area experienced the longest stretch of bone-chilling daytime temperatures for April in the 120 years since record-keeping began.

Yes, our cold, wet April truly was as bad as it seemed. While things have been bad, even by Pacific Northwest standards, it's not time to put away the down jackets and boots. May, June and July are forecast to be below normal temperatures.

Last month's cold made a nice companion for the soggy, with 21 days of rain. Total rainfall was 4.47 inches, twice the average."

See, it isn't just ME!
This is how you deal with aforesaid rainy day!

Oh, yeah, the robin is still at it. AND, the cat brought in a very alive and indignant squirrel, so we had a really fun time trying to get it back outside!

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