
Friday, April 15, 2011

 Some friends came to visit and go birding at the Earth Sanctuary today. We managed to find a time when it wasn't actually raining, although it was pretty chilly. But we saw loads of birds, including a pair of osprey at their nest, above - you can just see one of them approaching to land on the back side.
 Sharon, Karen and Miriam at the Fen Pond. Lots of different ducks: mallard, ringneck, bufflehead, wood ducks, and hooded merganser, among others. Miriam knows a lot of the bird songs, and is adept at spotting little birds flitting through the trees.
 An  inunnguaq, a cairn representing a human figure, historically made by the Arctic native peoples. The owner of the Earth Sanctuary is very spiritual, and has all kind of standing stones, cairns, prayer flags, meditation areas, dolmen, a labyrinth, and even a stone circle. It's very cool to come across these things along the trails.
A weeping willow reflecting in one of the ponds.

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