
Sunday, March 20, 2011

FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011

I didn't take a class today - instead, I helped with the Gallery. Everyone is encouraged to submit some of their baskets for the gallery, and we put their name and information about the basket in the computer so we can print out a nice card to display with it. So that's what I did today - this is a shot of about half of the entries! We have a lot of very talented Guild members.
At the table next to me, they were making an openweave basket using barks. David chose three different colors for his.

I did get out for a quick walk, but it was raining all day. And the lake was very high from all of this winter's rains - above is the lake trail, underwater. Luckily they have another path around the lake, so I wandered in the rain for a bit.

After dinner we had the marketplace - everyone was busy checking out all the cool stuff. Later, the gallery was open for viewing during the Gala, when we gather to have dessert and visit with everyone at the gallery. It is always very inspiring!

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