
Friday, January 21, 2011

 Our two-day class is over! And we all passed the test. Ted Clifton, on the left, was the teacher, and Diane, Candace and Erl were some of the students. Candace and Erl are holding the student manual - we went through that entire thing! The class was "Green Building for Building Professionals", and was very interesting. Erl sponsored me, since I don't belong to the organization that put on the class. But I think I'll join now, as there are several other classes that will be helpful to my business, too.
We all carpooled, and it was dark on the way there, and dark on the way home. So I didn't get any photos yesterday, and other than the class portrait, did grab a quick shot out the car window as we passed the Swinomish Casino. It had lots of pretty lights . . .

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