
Sunday, October 10, 2010


 Today was the Malabar Weaver's Guild Spin-in, where members of neighboring guilds gathered to spin, shop and visit. Cris brought her hand spindles, and tried to guide me!!
 First, though, we stopped at Mt Jeez, the highest point in the area, to see the view. It is part of the Farm park, and you can see most of the farm buildings from there.
In the other direction, Pleasant Hill Resevoir glints in the sunlight beyond the fields dotted with cows.
The spinners either sat in the barn,
 or out in front of it.
In the gap between the barn and another building, you can see Mt Jeez.
  One of the terraces near the house.
 A very old sandstone wall, covered with moss and lichen.
 The front door of the big house at Malabar Farm, built by author Louis Bromfield. Lauren Bacaul and Humphrey Bogart were married here. 
 Afterwards, we went on to Columbus to visit with Chloe. We wandered in a fun shopping district, the Short North, where we saw these very cool graffiti walls. Really good dinner at the Surly Girl Saloon.
 Chloe in her dorm room.
Cris & Chloe at her dorm building.

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