
Sunday, September 5, 2010

The fireweed is always so pretty at this time of year.
So our campsite has it's own gorgeous flower garden, full of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Lovely at sunrise.
Here is the elusive black hucklberry. In some of our previous years here picking, there would have been dozens of ripe berries on a bush like this.
A hidden treasure in the forest - tiny trees growing in a mossy carpet.
Me and Ginnie on top of a hill, with the Skykomish River valley behind us, looking toward Steven's Pass in the east.
From the same spot, looking to the west.
We saw this bear in the berry patch, and later it appeared to follow us out to this wooded area next to the road. It's eating berries, too, and since it is such a poor year, bears are coming to lower elevations to forage. It was the first one we have seen in the 5 years we've been coming to this area. Creepily, it, or another bear, appeared at our campsite, over a mile away, later that afternoon. It spooked us enough that we decided to move camp.
And that turned into a great decision: from camp 2, we had a gorgeous view of the stunning sunset! As well as some peace of mind, not listening for bear pawsteps all night. We even had cell reception at this spot, so called the ranger station, and she said it was the first report of a bear sighted up here. She also said it is open for bear hunting right now! If only we had known - we could have had a bearskin rug! (just kidding!)

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