
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Another Thursday Art day - this time we met at Suze's, where she had pulled out some old supplies she had - plaster cloth on a roll. A couple of years ago, on a trip to South America, she had found work by a ceramic artist which she loved, and she brought home a few pieces. They are the colored house shapes in the photos. Our project today was to build shapes with foam-core, inspired by the house shapes, and cover them with the plaster cloth.
 Suze, Carol and Jamie begin construction.
Here they are applying the plaster cloth, which comes in the roll that looks like paper towels. It is like a cheesecloth impregnated with plaster. We dipped a piece of it in water, then smoothed it onto our forms. It dried pretty quickly, and was very fun to do. The top photo shows my piece in front, and Suze's 3 pieces, and the two examples as well. Next we will paint and decorate them!

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