Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A couple of days ago I posted an image composed of several photos, one of which was text from a journal by my ancestor Adellah Donnenworth. My sister asked about the book, so here are some photos and information. Adellah was my maternal Great-Grandmother: the photo below is of her and my mother, Jean, around 1922. She was born in 1875 and died in 1931 from cancer. She married Homer Zimmerman, and my grandmother Edna was born in 1898.

Her "Botany Record" is dated 1889, so it probably was a high school assignment when she was around 14. It is a list of plants recorded over the course of the month of May, with a page of very detailed information devoted to each plant. I don't remember how I acquired it, but it is very fragile and brittle, but too beautiful to put away.

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