
Friday, April 23, 2010

Today they removed some of the drains in the incisions, and all the IV's but the maintenance one are gone. He sat up in the chair all morning, and will likely do some walking this afternoon with Suze. I am home again to get some sleep, as neither one of us is getting much in hospital. But he continues to heal well, and the swelling is finally beginning to go down, so he will begin the chore of learning to swallow again. They'll also get the cast off soon, and put a smaller soft cast that can be removed for a shower. That will make it easier to shuffle around the halls....
 My favorite Flame Azalea suddenly popped into bloom, so I had to get some pictures. A few spatterings of rain add my other favorite thing: water drops. One of Caveman's bonsai trees, a Larch, is sprouting new cones.

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