
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Marvelously sunny and warm today, so I took advantage of it and sat in the woods. Birds are everywhere right now, mating and nesting and in general carrying on. As I sat at the edge of the bog, I heard a 'screee' from above, and there was a pair of Cooper's hawks soaring and swooping. I was glad to see them: she has nested here for the past few years, and I was concerned that I hadn't seen her yet this spring. She and I may not get along too well, but I am always happy to have her here. The violet-greenback swallows have also arrived from their wintering place, and are happily gobbling up whatever insect is unlucky enough to venture out. They are already squabbling over the nests - maybe this year more of them will use the nesting boards we put out.
In the woods the Evergreen Huckleberries are blooming their sweet tiny blushing bells, while the new growth starts out a reddish color, adding spots of color to the greenery.

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