
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No photos today - spent all day in ICU watching lights and gauges and listening to beeps, tones, hisses, you name it! David is doing great - he was moved into his regular room this evening, after only 18 hours in ICU, instead of the 24-48 they predicted. The pain is under control - the hard part is learning to breathe through a temporary trachea. It's not fun, and he has a lot of swelling in his jaw/neck area. He also can't talk, so communication is a challenge. He's been writing on a pad, but it doesn't help that he's still a bit woozy, but getting better visibly as the day went on. They put a cot in his room, so I'll be heading back there for tonight, and Suze will take over tomorrow. Thanks to all who emailed well-wishes!

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