
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Although the hours are long at the hospital, still time seems to speed by! I lose track of the days, and my focus is so intensely on David that everything else is pretty sketchy. The time I am home slips by, and I'm anxious to be back with him, especially now that he is getting more like his old self. Today they removed the trach completely, which will really help with less irritation to the throat, and hopefully less coughing, and one less item attached to him. He's wearing his own clothes and baseball cap, getting around pretty handily with the walker and wheelchair.
The apple trees popped into bloom this week while I wasn't looking! The prettiest blooms are on the old, lichen-covered tree that was here on the property. It produces a lot of apples, but they are small and scabby - the tree needs major overhauling. But it sure is pretty!

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