
Sunday, March 21, 2010

PHOTOCRAWL at the Sunday Fremont Market! Some of the local members of our Photo Art Journal Yahoo Group met up for a fun day of taking photos and actually meeting the people we've been talking to for years. Gwen and Michele stand near the 'head' booth, complete with hand-blown glass bongs and a guy doing macrame. It was a blast!
Suze near the opening to the Fremont Hyper Market. Behind her, a little old man played the piano, and a passer-by stopped and sang some songs beautifully.
After about 100 photos each, we stopped in the Blue Moon for burgers: from left: me, Suze, Gwen and Michele. We used Gwen's and Michele's PoGo printers to print out some of our pictures. Gwen made each of us a small journal, where we attached photos and described some of our adventures. What a fun day! I'll share more photos tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. It was such a fun day, I love all of your photos!
