
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Since it was so gorgeous again today, I hiked the Ebey's Landing bluff trail. The view was incredible - this is looking west at the Olympic Peninsula and Mountains. Just a bit of fog for a few unlucky folks!
This is looking south toward the parking area at the bend in the road. You can see all the hikers, and on the road was a long line of very loud motorcycles touring the back roads.
This is looking east across the prairie farmland to Mount Baker, shining in the sun. I like the way the barn echoes the shape of the mountain.
Once you have climbed up the bluff, the trail follows along the top. The trees are sculpted by the wind, and the raptors soar overhead. Over 30 years ago, my sister Cris and I hiked along here, and saw a falcon. We were so excited! As I watched this bird approach, I thought of that sighting, only to learn from my bird book that this is a red-tailed hawk. I was thrilled to see it anyway, along with several eagles.


  1. I miss this place. Hours and hours I spent along this trail, stopping to lie in the grass and read in the sun and wind and just be.


  2. I hadn't been here for a long time, and it is magical. Amazingly, no wind today, either, and sun-warmed grass to sit on. Yes!
