
Monday, February 1, 2010

Cloudy and rainy today, and I didn't get out outside until well afer dark. I could still walk the wider trails and driveway in the light rain and dusk, savoring the quiet and solitude. It was the time of day between the daylight critters and the dark animals, and as I started across the lawn toward the house, I felt rather than saw movement. We all stood still at the same time, but by not looking directly at them, I could just make out the shadowy outlines of the deer. For some reason, I didn't alarm them either, and we watched each other comfortably for a while. Hoping to see the characteristic flash of white tail, I approached, but they only moved off slowly into the darkness of the trees.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, nice website, Louie! I better check in more often.
