
Monday, January 11, 2010

We have a few of these small trees in the woods, and I never really looked closely at them. But the warm weather has them blooming, and the long, white catkins glowed in the dark rainy woods, catching my eye. The catkins are the male flowers, while the female flower is a much smaller catkin, "with protuding red stigmas".
They are the Beaked Hazelnut, Corylus cornuta, and produce edible nuts. I'll have to keep a closer eye on them in the fall, and see if I can beat the squirrels to some of the bounty. In fact, a squirrel was perched nearby, warning me away the whole time!
In my neighbor's flower garden, one of the shrubs produced loads of these amazingly purple berries. No idea what it is - I'll have to see in the spring.

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