
Monday, November 30, 2009

There are still some colored leaves lingering in the woods, creating a lacy effect against the darker fir trees.
As I was walking in the woods taking some photos, I heard a "harrumph!" right behind me! Startled, I turned to find this squirrel complaining that I was too close to his tree! Then he curled up on this branch to keep an eye on me.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Darkness comes so early in the day . . . the orange of the willow glows against the dark green of the fir trees . . . the woodstove smoke send a signal of warmth.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Three views of the willow tree in my front garden. The yellow leaves are at their peak! Looking up from below . . .
. . . view from the house . . .
. . . reflected in the bird bath.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Our Halloween man has been sitting on the porch with a pumpkin in his lap for a few weeks, and we just noticed that someone has been making a meal of it! Right in his lap, next to our door. The brazen critter must be sitting on his legs - what a sight that would be! Bunny, squirrel, mouse? We'll have to keep our ears open for that nibbling sound . . .

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cory is a happy guy today! He found another Toyota Supra in excellent shape, and drove to Idaho yesterday to pick it up. The trip went off without a hitch, and he loves the car, which is the 1989 turbo model with custom exhaust.
The proud owner.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Well, it was just last Friday that I was standing on dry ground in this area! By Saturday night it had filled up; obviously we had a bit of rain. If you look at this photo from Friday, I was taking pictures standing by the cedar tree that you can see at the center back of this shot.
And the birch leaves are all gone, except for a few lonely hangers-on like this one.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rain, rain, rain all day! We went to see the "New Moon" movie, and on the drive home the sun shone through the clouds over the mountains. We drove out of the way to a viewpoint.
At the movie theater, Jamie, Jayna and Loren have the large size popcorn to share.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The pond is full and overflowing into it's runoff stream, and in the dusky late afternoon I take a long exposure to smooth out the ripples.
And yet more mushrooms in the lawn!

Friday, November 20, 2009

A wonderfully slimy white fungus growing on a log in the swamp.
And on a nearby stump, clumps of brown mushrooms.
The streambed is beginning to fill up - so far mostly from the amount of rain, but soon the whole watershed will fill, beginning with the pond on the uphill part of the property, it's overflow running downstream to fill the sphagnum bog, then the water winds through the flat forest area, with this being the last part to get the water before it goes into the pond across the driveway. It's always interesting to watch the progress.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The climbing hydrangea is dried and brown, and the leaves are mostly gone. In the background, the willow glows golden. Autumn.
And with autumn comes the wind! The willow sways with the wind - brrrr!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mushroom season just keeps going on and on! These slimy-looking mushrooms have come up where a different type was growing earlier.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Today was supposed to be a big stormy day, but luckily we were spared most of the wind, and only got the rain instead. The birch trees are still quite yellow, viewed through the car window with raindrops running down.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

HAH! Well, here is a blast from the past - my friend Fred sent this scan of one of our pig roasts - right foreground is the pit we dug for roasting the pig. This has to be about 30 years ago - how is it possible we are so slim and dark-haired?? But, you can see that I was taking photos then, too. This makes me want to dig through my boxes of prints and see if I can find the shots I took on this day.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I took this shot yesterday (the middle small photo below), but got a book out of the library about playing around in Photoshop, so here is a result. I changed the saturation, and used one of the artistic filters, added a black border and drop shadow, then put it on a beige mat. Always fun to learn new things!

Friday, November 13, 2009

A storm blew through last night, and there were some amazing clouds in the afternoon. Of course, the sun is setting at 4:30 already - hard to get used to!
This big black cloud was visible from everywhere, prompting me to go to the beach where I could really see the sky.
As the sun went down, the cloud shifted, and the light glowed on the edges.
The leading edge of the cloud picked up some of the light, too.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Art day was at Carol's today - and EVERYONE showed up, even a guest! Clockwise from lower left: Audrey, Mary ann, Suze, Jamie, Andy, Carol and Janet. Suze is headed back to FLA tomorrow, so it will be a while before she's back with us. Mary ann will hopefully be able to come often!
Carol shows her caricature quilt.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The birch leaves are perfect right now, especially with the sun shining on them.
Later, it rained, the wet roadway reflecting the traffic lights.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We had a nice lunch at China City: Carolyn, Lynn, Marjorie, Suze, Barb and me.

Monday, November 9, 2009

It gets dark so early, and it rained all day today. I had a class, and the leaves on the sidewalk caught my eye.
The building's lights cast a yellow glow over this birch tree, with the last vestiges of the sunset fading on the horizon.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Well, I finally got caught up on my Photo-A-Day - I have added the photos from the days that I was in Ohio, so go back and check them out!

A new project - "FLOW" - a pin made with a combination of inspirations. The fine wire twining is a technique learned from Marilyn Moore, and the pin and flattened ends ideas are from Mary Hettmansperger.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Whidbey Weaver's Guild sale was yesterday and today - I had a shift as cashier, so go to see all the beautiful items that were sold! There was a great turnout, and it looked like sales were high. Above, the Greenbank barn is reflected in the duck pond.
The adjacent wetlands sported a whole flock of great blue herons - several line the edge of this pond.
The farm from up on the hill top.
Handwoven scarves at the sale.
The pink table. The items were arranged on tables according to color - it looked great!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Mushrooms out the back door.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Whidbey Weaver's Guild is having it's annual sale, Uncommon Threads, at the Greenbank Farm. Please stop by and do some holiday shopping!

Today members brought and arranged their items, getting it all ready.
Lots of hats of all types.