
Friday, September 18, 2009

This is my 1,000th post! That seems like such an amazing number, it's hard to believe. I have loved doing this photo blog, and hope to continue for another 1,000!
And a fine day it was, too - especially for mid-September. I had a new client meeting at Maxwelton Beach, so played hooky afterwards and went to the beach to enjoy the warm sun and blue skies. Someone planted this flag in shallow water, and the heron seemed mesmerized by it.
Old pilings point in a line out into the Sound, providing a favorite roosting spot for the seagulls, with the Olympic mountains on the horizon.
Same pilings, viewed in a different direction - the sun spread sparkle fairies around the little boats tied up to buoys. Beyond them, a commercial freighter plows through, sending out waves that will reach shore 20 minutes later.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Louie! I know that I have enjoyed your pictures of Whidbey and other NW places! They have enriched my life, as I get to see the places I love so much thru your photos!
