
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunny today, and warm enough after a cool morning. I haven't been down in the woods for quite a while, and since the bugs are pretty well done, I went down in the swamp. The water is all dried up, so I can get around in there. There are strange, big trees, full of moss and lichens . . .
big flat areas like this are covered with water over the winter, skunk cabbage and hedge nettle fill in over the summer under the late afternoon sun.
More lichen on gnarly branches.
I've been eyeing the thistle plants - the downy seedheads are white and fluffy. They've been calling to me, so today I gathered as much as I could - not quite sure what I'll do with it. ". . .and away they all flew like the down on a thistle." It's been running through my head all afternoon!

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