
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Another berry-picking day! It is supposed to be the last warm sunny day for a while, so I felt like doing a little hike somewhere. I went to the Putney Woods at Goss Lake, and hiked the Bobtail trail and part of the Mistletoe Loop. I had been there last year about this time, and it was covered with Evergreen Huckleberry bushes, which were loaded. So I took a couple of bags with me just in case . . .
And guess what? The bushes were loaded, AND ripe! There was a wide variety of colors, from blue to black, but they're all basically the same plant.
The area had been logged and replanted, prime territory for huckleberries. When the new trees get big enough to shade the forest floor, the bushes will be less productive.
I went expecting to find a few berries, but quickly filled both of the baggies, yielding a nice big bowlful! Yum!

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