Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Today was the meeting of the local Whidbey group of the Surface Design Association. We met at Cheryl's house, or garden, rather, as her home is too small. She has a beautiful garden (and home). Above is a striped maple, I think. The leaves are variegated green and white, very lovely.
Her studio is tiny, too, but very efficient. She dyes and felts, mostly scarves and clothing.
In the garden, tigridia, or tiger-flower is shown above. It's a very showy summer bulb where each bud blooms for only one day, so we were lucky to see them in bloom!
She has a pink and a yellow variety.
She also has an heirloom pea which her grandmother brought to this country 60 years ago, and her mother and now she have kept it going. It has an unusual black pod, but the peas are green. They do have a different flavor, she said.

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