
Saturday, August 1, 2009

David's been building a large smoker for a client, and here he is mounting it on the trailer. He will add a BBQ cooker, and counter and work space, and the clients will use it to travel to festivals and events to cook their tasty southern fare: "Sno Nuff Foods, authentic Southern goodness!"
Earlier in the day, he and Blair took off from the dock to go check the crab pots in Holmes Harber.
Further down the beach, a sailboat had broken loose from it's moorings and drifted onto shore.
At low tide it was lying on it's side, but by the time I saw it, the tide was coming in and bouncing it around. Then the owner showed up and climbed aboard, getting it ready. As the tide continued to rise, the boat slowly righted itself. More help showed up, with much pushing and shoving, but they couldn't budge it. Then a guy in a tiny dinghy came to tie a rope, but that didn't make any headway. Finally, a larger boat hooked up with the sailboat, and between his pulling, the fellows pushing, and the tide rising - SUCCESS! Afloat again.

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