
Friday, July 17, 2009

Most of the swallow nests have fledged, and those parents will likely start over again with a new brood. These two nests are in-between, and have had some drama going on. I haven't been able to really figure out what happened. In the nest below, the swallows were sitting for several days. Then I noticed that they had moved, and are sitting in the nest above, which is just a few feet from the first one. They guard it faithfully, so I sure hope there are actually some viable eggs inside!
Meanwhile, the juncos have been trying to sit on this nest, but get chased away by the swallows whenever they are spotted. But, today I see that they have been successful. Now, the question is: is this baby a junco baby, or did a grackle (cowbird) sneak in and lay it's egg? If that happened, it may be why the swallows moved. We'll find out, I hope...

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