
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ginnie and Sue showed Miriam and me how to harvest cedar bark from a tree. Even though it looks like a large wound on the tree, it won't hurt the tree, and will heal over eventually. You wouldn't want to take any more than this from one tree.
Here is Sue and Miriam with the strip that she pulled.
After it's pulled, you must peel off the hard outer bark. Ginnie watches as Miriam cleans, and I split. The soft inner bark is used for basketry, and had many other uses for the native Americans. Cedar was their tree of life.
The cleaned inner bark, coiled and ready to dry. After it's dry, it can be split and plied into strips for baskets. We gave thanks to the tree for it's gifts, and gave back the leftover bits and pieces to feed the soil.

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