
Monday, May 18, 2009

It was 29 years ago today that Mount St Helens erupted! Above is a photo taken when we visited the area a couple of years afterwards. You can see the massive devastation. I haven't been there for several years, so I don't have a current view, but things have been steadily coming back, forest growing, animals moving in.
The day it erupted, we were fishing in Ellensburg, a couple hundred miles to the east of the mountain. The sky went dark, and ash rained down upon us. No one was quite sure what was going to happen, so people gathered either in the church, or the bars! Above is David sweeping the ash off our truck, although it was almost useless, as the ash kept falling for a couple of days.
It piled up very quickly, and we were stranded there for 3 days until things settled down enough. The highways were closed because of the clouds of ash. When we were finally allowed to go, the Highway Patrol spaced the cars out. It was quite an adventure!

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