
Friday, May 8, 2009

We decided to have a date night - well, part date and part business, as we had to go to Burlington to pick up David's steel. But, it is always a beautiful drive, and we got there just in time. Then, it was on to the movies!
We went to see the new Star Trek movie, which was highly anticipated. It was very action-packed, great special effects, and fun to watch. The story line was a bit thin in places, but in the end that didn't really matter! We had a great time. But, after eating popcorn and milk duds, we weren't overly hungry for dinner, so decided to drive back towards home and stop in Coupeville for some Penn Cove Mussels.
And what better place than Toby's Tavern? It's one of the original businesses in Coupeville, on the water. We had the 2 pound order of mussels in wine sauce, with french bread, and it was yummy! You can see it's quite a pile of shells.
The tavern is a fun place, with lots of stuff on the walls and ceiling, and a bar that's over 20 feet long, dating from the 1890's. Hanging from the ceiling is a 5-man racing shell from the 1950's, along with fish, heads, and numberless other unidentifiable stuff. And, friendly people, too!
Fun time!

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