
Thursday, April 2, 2009

The pond at Fort Casey State Park beach. I was hoping for some reflections, but of course it started to sprinkle, and the wind was blowing a bit. But I love the gravel there, and I did get some cloud reflections.
Across the pond, an eagle sat atop a small pile of sand and gravel at the side of the beach. It allowed me to get within 50-60 feet, showing no signs of distress. A beach-comber and his dog passed by, causing the head swivel. As I was leaving, another group of sight-seers stood near it, and it still sat calmly.
The tide was out, and the waves scalloped the steeply sloping beach. The Olympic Mountains show on the horizon.
The reason I was at Fort Casey was: Whidbey Weaver's Guild meeting day! Wheee! I finally had some items for Show & Tell - my projects from Retreat. Everyone was quite impressed, especially with the large paper-covered basket. The gals above crocheted these hats and bags from plastic grocery bags while they were on vacation in the desert - hence the need for floppy hats.
A view of the group - lots of them are busy with hand works - it's always interesting to see what everyone makes. This weekend is the Spin-In - I'm going to go see it this year.

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