
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Almost a full moon, but driving home from the Guild meeting, it was too much to resist, so I went down to Double Bluff Beach and took in the view. Clouds drifted, hiding and showing the face of the moon over the glow from Seattle city lights. Nearer, the city lights of Edmonds glittered on the horizon, while the sand flats revealed by low tide relected moonlight.
Earlier, at the Guild meeting, Polly Adams Sutton (right) showed us how to weave a 5-3-1 diamond twill pattern, which can be used as a basket base, or tray, or wall hanging.
Many of us are twill-impaired! Michaela laughs with us all as Katherine struggles to maintain composure when it all becomes too much, but we did all manage to finish in the end!
This is my sample, and the diamond pattern would show up much better if I had used paper strips with more contrasting colors. These were papers left over from a Jackie Abrams class which I took a couple of years ago. It's a pretty pattern, and I hope to use it!

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