
Monday, March 9, 2009

My cedar bark paper has dried, and I have 17 sheets, and only used about half the pulp. I ran out of cloths to dry the sheets on, and was also getting tired! This is held up to a sunny window, and clearly shows the fibers. Some are still almost intact, and some are fine. The fine fibers are what really holds the paper together.
This is the same sheet - you can still see some of the bark as lumps. I wanted a rustic, rough, heavy paper, since I'll be using it for book covers and I want the texture. I wasn't very consistant with forming the sheet - you can see where it is thick and thin on the first photo. When I make the rest, I may blend it all finer yet, and try to make thinner sheets that can go through the printer.
Here's the finished stack. I'm looking forward to working with these sheets, and also making more and experimenting with them.

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