
Saturday, February 28, 2009

More work photos from a job site visit - this is a studio building under construction from drawings I produced. I love to see the structures take shape. The big hole in the roof will hold skylights.
Here's the studio in the left background, with the main house in front. It will be heated with a combination of geo-thermal and active and passive solar heat. The yard area between the house and where I am standing is where the geo-thermal pipes are buried, and you can see the solar panels on the roof. The windows and overhangs are sized to take best advantage of the sun in winter, and keep it from getting too much sun in the summer. I'll be keeping an eye on it to see how well the systems perform.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Some photos of work - I visited a prospective client at her tiny cabin, who wants to add some space. The original cabin has the classic beams and windows-to-the-ceiling typical of the 50's and 60's moderns.
On the outside near the garden, creative tool storage adds a decorative element to the walls.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Surprise! We woke up to snow! Soon enough, the sky cleared and the sun lit up the fluffy flakes.
The wind blew the loose snow off the trees as the sunlight streamed down.
The crocus bud, which only a couple of days ago was blooming gaily, stands up to the cold blanket.
And the pussy willow wears it's freezing cap stoically, while out in the yard the sunshine is already beginning to melt the snow. By day's end, the snow was gone from the sunny areas, but lingered in the shade for a couple of days.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another through-the-windshield photo, but at least this time I'm stopped in a parking lot! Of course capturing a shot while the car is rolling is always a challenge. These crows were silhouetted against a partly cloudy sky - we ended up with some snow by evening, but not enough to stick.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Great sky today - lots of different types of clouds moving swiftly across a blue sky. I took a chance while sitting at the red light - OOPS! there's my turn arrow!

Monday, February 23, 2009

David tried out his powder coating oven today, on his Buzzard logo that he cut on his computerized plasma torch cutter.
It's about 20 inches long, and came out great! He has a few more to experiment with, but the process is working smoothly, so hopefully he'll be getting some orders!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cory worked on his car yesterday, replacing the the driveline, and installing a new muffler and tailpipe system.
David had to cut and weld the exhaust to add the new parts. Now Cory's car is 40 pounds lighter and goes even faster.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The pussy willows are coming out more and more - contrast the cultivated willow in my garden above, with it's weeping branches and whiter brush-like pussies with tight caps,
with the perky upswept branches and more rounded shape of the native Scouler's Willow.

Friday, February 20, 2009

A low lying fog partially obscures the crescent moon at sunrise.
A little bit later, the sun begins to burn off the fog.
Later yet, the sun glows through the forest, coloring the pond scum.
The scum swirls amid reflections.
More signs of spring - the hyacinth just starting to push through the soil.
And a cheerful yellow crocus nods softly.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The witch-hazel in my garden - not very showy, but a pretty flower in winter.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A sunny day at the beach - muted light filters through a scallop shell, where a seed fluff clings briefly before flying on at the wind's mercy.
The mother-of-pearl shines purple-ly from the inside of this shell.
The Great Blue Heron and scoter friends fish at the edge of the mud flats,
while the eagle soars overhead. A classic shot.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A sunrise front moving across the sky,
while half a moon sinks to the west.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cold overnight - the pond has a skim of ice, capturing air in the bubbles.
The sun came out and glittered brightly across the ice.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Calm waters, interesting sky. Mutiny Bay.
This seagull was swimming quietly when I approached,
and as I watched, it dove for something on the bottom.
It finally proudly brought it's treasure ashore. Looks like a rock to me, but it's hopefully a clam. He took it up the beach to try to get it open.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Pattern book from the Photo Art Journal Yahoo group. It was a fun assignment - once I started looking, I saw patterns everywhere and in everything!
The orange and blue fish scales is one of my pages - it is a close-up of the scales on a piling perch that David caught. I love the brilliant colors.
Here are some more pages in the book.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday Art Day! Busy hands . . . .
Carol, Jamie, one of the nurses, Janet, Andy and Audrey. We usually have books to share, as well as showing whatever we're working on. Afterwards, we have a pot-luck lunch - always good!
Check out this blog - Cooper, the Cat Photographer. It's about a kitty who wears a cat-cam one day a week. The cat-cam takes a photo every two minutes, so it gives insight into what a cat does all day. Cooper's owners were floored by the interesting pictures he took, so they started his blog. And, of course, he's been on news shows, which is where I learned about him. Very fun.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

At the meeting of the NWBasketry Guild, C. A. Michel talked about her art, the concepts and inspirations that drive her. Above is a detail of the feather basket shown below.

These baskets are coiled with yarns, and a staggering amount of feathers are added into the coiling. They are surprisingly sturdy!

She is an animated speaker, here she is holding a work in progress while she makes a point.
Two views of the peacock feather basket, above is the bottom, showing the coiling in colors to match the vibrant feathers. Below is the top.
On the way home, the moon was just past full, rising hugely over the horizon behind wispy clouds. It made an interesting juxtaposition with the street lights.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Book Club meeting tonight. Our book is "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao".

Monday, February 9, 2009

It was pretty nice most of the day, then suddenly a barrage of hail came down. Then huge snow flakes, but they melted upon impact. It's still pretty cold out.