
Monday, December 22, 2008

The christmas tree is reflecting in our sliding glass doors.
The sun came out, and the icicles on the roof began to drip. The trees are reflected in the drop.
The poor little birdies keep hitting the windows - this one huddled in a bush while it recovered from the shock. It eventually flew off.
Long blue shadows this morning.
The front entry from the driveway.
Going out the driveway for the first time in a couple of days, the trees are loaded and leaning over the road. Amazingly, we've only lost a few branches.
We did have to shovel the snow off the deck - you can see the depth on the railing! This part of the deck is under the roof, and we needed to remove as much weight as we could before all the snow on the roof slides off.
My fun pink boots. The snow is up to the top of them - at least 12 inches.

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