Sunday, December 7, 2008

I had the chance to visit a vintage railroad car which has been turned into a cabin at Bush Point. It has incredible wood work and stained glass windows, and most of the fixtures are intact and functioning. The two
sleeping compartments have been combined into one larger space -
Loren sits on one of the beds. The bathroom has the original claw-footed tub, a stainless steel sink, brass shelves and railings.

The dining area has the original velvet upholstery, lights, and built-in cabinets.
Outside is showing more signs of age, and the owners built a roof to cover the whole car.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for breakfast the other day and great photos on your blog!!! WE all enjoyed visiting with you, Aunt Barb, Margery and Dave it was great to meet you!!
We hope you can come visit sometime soon.
From Reed(Also Rick,Jackie,Jennifer and Lauren)