
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We haven't been having many good cloud days - it's either been clear and sunny, or completely overcast and rainy! So imagine my joy today - it started out clear, but then clouds came and went all day, we even got a tiny sprinkle at one point, and it culminated with this display late in the afternoon. By the time the sun set, though, it was clear again!

Monday, September 29, 2008

What a beautiful day - our last gasp of summer! Sunny, warm and clear. Cory came over to do chores and work on his car, and asked to drive the Miata. Well, the hat goes with the privilege! Adorable!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I couldn't muster up much enthusiasm for taking photos today, so I wandered the entry garden, finding the seedhead of one of the grasses showing a pretty contrast with the foliage behind it.
And a bug crawling on these little blue annuals.
The sun set behind the trees, bringing a beautiful day to an end. I found myself missing Buzz at times - I would suddenly think of him and find myself in tears. It will take a while.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sept 1996 - Sept 2008

What dog had a better life? He lived joyously, surrounded by the things he loved.

A fitting tribute.Since he always had one in his mouth or nearby, we sent him off with his collection of balls and toys.We miss you.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Nancy & I went to Deception Pass today, hoping for good weather, and we lucked out! It rained all day yesterday, and was cloudy and foggy this morning, but ended up being beautiful! A little piece of lichen cast it's shadow on a leaf.
We had a great view from Goose Rock. This is looking southward along the length of the Island. We could even just make out Mount Rainier in this direction, but it didn't show up in the photo.
This is northwest toward the San Juan Islands, with Deception Island in the foreground.
The bridge looms over the beach, casting it's shadow on the rocks. The tide was churning!
Nancy paused in front of this bridge, built by the CCC back in the day!
Also fishing in the Pass were the sea lions, which we watched for a while, and even managed to get some of them in the photos!
The madrona trees are peeling their bark this time of year, and we just caught the sun shining through the thin layers.
Me, Nancy and Suze took the Outlet Mall by storm! We made a full day of it, and had a grand old time!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I didn't take these photos today - they're from yesterday, after the Space needle we went to the Ballard Locks and Fish Ladder. The Chum salmon are returning to their rivers-of-birth to spawn, and they have to pass through the fish ladders around the dam.
They have wonderful viewing windows where we could see the salmon going through one of the steps of the ladder.

Here they're jumping for joy after making it up the whole ladder, going from the salt water to the fresh. They still have a journey ahead of them, swimming across Lake Washington and up their river to the spawnig grounds. Good Luck!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We went to the Space Needle, and lucked out with great viewing conditions. Above is the reflection of the Needle in the Experience Music building.
First, of course, the ferry dock, where the next boat is coming in!

Then, we were there! Here's the quintessential view.
Another photo of the reflection.

These photos are all from the viewing deck. Here, I'm leaning against the railing, Nancy is at the right, with the view reflected in the windows of the Needle.

Mount Rainier was splendid, towering over the city below.

While to the north, we could see the south end of Whidbey Island!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Weather is continuing to improve this morning - still some cool clouds, but no rain, and more sun. Spent some time shopping in Langley, finding some thrift store bargains!
After raining all morning, the sun came out a little - at least it wasn't raining! We went to Double Bluff Beach, finding the usual array of shells and dead crabs, until we came to this giant jellyfish stranded on the shore!
Hopefully it was still alive, but the tide was going out, so it didn't look good for this blob.
The weather moved into the Convergence Zone, where the fronts from the south meet whatever comes from the west, and builds up into some nasty weather under these clouds!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

On my way to the airport to pick up Nancy, traffic was at a standstill in the tunnel. Great reflections and lights!
We stopped later at the Pike Place Market, which was totally packed with people! We didn't last long, and again on the drive home the roads were stop and go traffic. Don't know what was going on, other than the rain, maybe?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Made some reflection photos today while looking at a house for a remodel. Above is the more recent addition, only 20 years old.
The main house is over 100 years old, but has been added onto several times, and had many facelifts, so there isn't any of the original showing. Hard to say what we'll find when it gets torn apart!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Got some shots of the kitty while she was sleeping. Cute little toes!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I have been lagging behind the past couple of days. I went on a trip with my book group over the weekend, and did take a lot of photos there! You can see them at our book group blog, http://whidbeybookwomen.blogspot.com/.

I promise I'll get back on track here, too!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I love this reflection of us all waiting for the train to go to the Zoo.
At the zoo we saw the brand new baby elephant.
And, finally, completely exhausted, we're on the ferry home.