
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Today we drove all the way through Utah, with some great clouds.
We stayed at Brigham City, got up with the sun, and headed out.
Going through Salt Lake City bright and early was great - very little traffic. We went past the Temple, glowing in the sun.
We caught glimpses of the Great Salt Lake, pink in the sunrise.
At a rest stop later in the morning - high barren country, mostly cattle.
These little sunflowers were growing everywhere, along the roadsides, even fields of them. If you click on this one, you can see a couple of grasshoppers flying by. I didn't even notice them until I looked at the photo on the computer.
In the south of Utah, we finally turned east to head to Page. We were in the Vermillion Rocks area, with the interesting formations and colors. The forecast thunder storms were shaping up - in this country you can see them from a long ways off.
We finally wended our way down to Glen Canyon Dam, at Page, AZ. Lake Powell was very low, you can see the water levels above the dam.
We pulled off to take a peek down into the canyon. Page was packed, it being Saturday night of the Labor Day weekend, but we really lucked out getting a hotel room. We pulled into a motel, which said no vacancy, but when David asked, they had just had a cancellation, so we got a room!

We have a lot of miles to cover, so most of my photos are from the truck. We passed several grass fires - this one was in the area between the lanes, and was still burning on the far side of that lane.

Last night when we pulled into the Motel 6, we saw this llama tied up to the trailer. Turns out there were 3 of them, spending the night in the corner of the parking lot. This morning, the owners cleaned up the pile of poop, then hauled them away.
Our first glimpse (later many) of the Snake River. We followed it through the rest of Oregon and into Idaho. It is also the route of the Oregon Trail,
which went right through this rest stop, which had a historical marker about it.

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