
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Junco babies eagerly awaiting dinner, but with me standing on a chair, I'm too close for Mom and Dad to venture in with their offerings. So I backed up a few feet, and that was all it took for them to muster up their courage and fly past me. Obviously, these babies (see the smaller one down on the left?) aren't starving!
Solstice Moon! This is a composite photo - ahhh, the digital age! - showing moonrise behind the trees, and some time later as it rose higher in the night sky. It was supposed to appear much larger than normal, but I couldn't see it until later, as it rose further to the south over a ridge.
And, today is Thursday Art Day! Amazingly, everyone made it - the past few weeks have been pretty spotty! From left: Audrey, Gretchen, Carol, Janet, Suze and Andy. Jamie came a little later, just in time for lunch.

Carol working on her latest quilt, and Gretchen's fabric collage quilt, using bits and pieces and fibers.

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