
Saturday, June 28, 2008

FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2008
We had a little scare today - Cory was taken to the emergency room with chest pains and numb arm. After 8 hours and several tests, heart problems were ruled out, and the likely suspect is esophageal inflammation, or heartburn. I had always heard that the symptoms were very like a heart attack, but the doctor explained why, and it makes sense. So he'll go to a regular doctor and follow up to be sure, but he'll also change his eating habits, which should help, too. While we were waiting for one of the tests, I left to get some dinner, and went down to Ebey's Landing Park.
We're finally enjoying summer weather, and the views were tremendous. Above, the sun is setting far to the north, casting a luminous glare along the bluffs.
Looking to the south, Mt. Rainier towers above the Cascade Range, which isn't even visible in this view. The buildings and lighthouse in the center are Fort Casey State Park.
Why, you may ask, didn't they put the marker on the site of the killing? Good question - I can only assume that it is in the middle of a farm field, so they kept the marker off to the side. It had been freshly unearthed - the roadside weeds were more than 10 feet tall, and someone had hacked the trail through them. I didn't know what the trail was for, so it was a fun surprise to find this marker.
But the birds enjoyed the weeds - this sparrow landed quite close to me as I stood there. It had a beak full of green wormy things, so was on it's way to feed young ones.

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