
Monday, June 9, 2008

Another wacky weather day. Dawned nice enough, if cloudy and cool. David & guys got out early to fish, but soon it got colder and windier and rainier, and even snowed a bit on them. So they weren't able to stay out long enough to catch anything - it's very frustrating for them, as this cold unsettled weather is supposed to be around for the next few days, and there are only 6 days left in the Ling Cod season. They won't be able to get out there very much, and they were counting on it, since the season so far has been miserable with bad weather and bad tides.

Anyway, then the sun came out, although the wind blew steadily. I found a discarded snake skin whole, and spotted this clump of mushrooms. They're growing in a pile of bark chips that we laid last summer - we've gotten all kinds of mushrooms - the odd thing is we get different ones in different piles of chips!

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