
Thursday, May 1, 2008

SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2008
Cris and I went to downtown Akron to watch Chloe's dance competition at the Civic Theater. I had never been inside - it is amazing! From their website: Among facilities of its size, the Civic is one of only five remaining atmospheric theaters in the country where patrons experience a twinkling star-lit sky and intermittent clouds moving across the horizon, all while sitting inside the auditorium. Above is the Grand Staircase in the lobby.
Here is Chloe in her dance costume - she danced with a group of 16. They performed a modern dance, and won a Platinum award.
This is a view across the audience toward the stage - you can just see the ceiling with it's stars. They have clouds that move across the ceiling sky - very atmospheric.

This is the outside entrance to the theather, and across the street is the old Polsky's building - a fabulous Art Deco style. As kids we made the journey downtown to see the Christmas decorations in the windows.

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