
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Well, finally! Blogger wouldn't load my photos last night, but seems to be working OK now. This is my latest thrift store find - a silver plate woven wine basket. I know it looks yellow, but that is from the lighting - I kind of liked it! But it's really silver, a bit tarnished, but that adds to the appeal.
I love to collect silver wire and flat woven baskets. This one has a silver mark, which I traced to Isreal Freeman & Son. Originally from Sheffield, England, the firm moved to the US around 1920, and was still selling silver into the 1990's. They did have a website, which is now defunct, though, so we can assume they've closed the doors for good.
I couldn't find any way to judge the age, so I'm guessing it's not too old, not an antique yet.

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