
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Our Basketry Guild meeting was tonight, and the program was a slide show and talk by Dawn Glinsmann. She produced a dissertation on Northwest Coast hats, made from spruce roots by most of the Native Americans. She studied hats from 400-800AD up to the early 20th century, as well as current artists. She also took workshops and learned from Native American teachers from the area.
She is a vibrant and energentic speaker, and delighted us with her stories and slides, even showing us some instances where the hat-weaver made a mistake, and instead of taking it out, just left it, and started a new row of weaving.
She also presented the Guild with a bound copy of her dissertation - over 200 pages, with lots of photos. This is a page showing some of the hats she studied in museums here and in Europe, where hats are displayed which were brought back by early explorers.

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