
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April showers? Yes, things are certainly blooming, but, it's COLD!! We're ready to warm up a little! Maybe by the end of the week, they say. Well, we'll see! Anyway, I was inspired by the Embrace the Blur photo art journal we made to try some more blurry shots. This is shot from inside the car, through the windshield with the rain coming down. I think it captures well the dark, cold, wet aspect of today.

We had our Surface Design group meeting today, at Fine's house. She has a beautiful home filled with her incredible fabric art. We were so busy I forgot to take photos! We're discussing how to put on a group show, so there was lots of input about that. Then, everyone had something to share, and finally Fine showed us her progression through the years. She started as a child with hand embroidery, then began weaving and designing clothing, then creating fabrics specifically for a piece of clothing. She also creates fabric collage art of many kinds - her latest idea is to depict a garden (her other love) with fabric collage, trying to capture a view from above showing the architecture, some type of perspective view, and a detail of some item found in that garden, in order to show the many experiences of being in that garden. They were amazing!

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