Thursday, March 6, 2008

Today was Whidbey Weaver's Guild meeting, at the Fort Casey state park, and I had hoped to get some weather photos. But it was foggy and cloudy, and never did clear up very much, so nothing really caught my eye. We did have a pretty sunset - not very flashy, but nice, none the less.
The Guild meeting was very fun - it was mini-workshop day, and you could choose between two classes in the morning, and two in the afternoon. In the morning, I chose the split-ply twining, and we made keychains. I had done this before, but it was fun to do it again, and I could help a little with some of those who had not tried it before.
She preselected the cords for us, and there were many wonderful color combinations. In the afternoon, I learned several braiding techniques: an unusual way to do the regular 3-strand, 4-strand in flat and round, and 5-strand, which turned out to be the easiest!

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